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Dental Cleaning and Prevention

bigstock close up medical dentist proce 600x399Professional Dental Cleanings – A professional dental cleaning, also known as a “dental prophylaxis”, is performed by a trained hygienist. It consists of the removal of plaque (a sticky film of bacteria ) and the removal of calculus (tartar) with special instruments. Often times plaque and calculus can occur above and below the gum line which can lead to gingivitis-the inflammation of gums. Gingivitis can then lead to a more severe form of gum disease called periodontitis. It is important to have a professional dental cleaning to avoid this as well as future tooth decay.

At the end of your cleaning visit, your teeth will be polished to remove any stain that has built up over time.

bigstock Dentist explaining the details 600x399Dental Examinations – After your cleaning, an examination will be completed by Dr. Christopher Armento or Dr. Lisa Indelicato. Any X-rays taken at this visit will be examined for the detection of tooth decay, bone loss, cysts, tumors, or infections.  A head and neck oral cancer screening is performed to check the face, neck, and lips for any suspicious bumps or lesions. We also examine behind the ear for skin cancer.  An intraoral, soft tissue, cancer screening is performed to make sure the mouth is free of any precancerous or cancerous lesions. The gums and bone around the teeth are checked for gingivitis or periodontitis. Old restorations such as crowns, bridges, or fillings are examined for possible fractures or recurrent decay.


Prevention – Dr. Christopher Armento, Dr. Lisa Indelicato and the staff at Red Barn Dental are committed to helping patients keep their teeth healthy for a long time. Through a cooperative effort with the patient we will strive to preserve the natural dentition by preventing the onset, progression, and recurrence of dental diseases and conditions.
